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Researching Women
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Recovering Global Women's History
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Veleda e-group: new content, webcast access links: read this!
October livecast: open ended discussion
Pythias, Melissae and Pharmakides: Women in Hellenic Culture
The Cosmogony of Thetis
Helen of Sparta and Trojan War patriarchy
Theai: Greek Goddess webcast recording
Carnelian Baubo pendant
A wealthy woman's burial in the Geometric period
Mystery Staff of Ariadne and Demeter
Nature and Being in the Pre-Socratics; and goddess Bhuvaneshwari
Genome study shows ancient Crete and Mycenaeans were related, but latter had steppe ancestry too
All Things Gorgon!
Ortheia / Forthasia / Worthasia, goddess of Sparta
Gorgon temple in Sicily
Sacred Caves in Crete
Ceremony in art of the Kabeiron of Thebes; and racist stereotypes
Gorgeous Aphrodite found in Aizanoi, Phrygia
Nymphs in the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite
Melanippe the Wise: audio talk
The Mysteries of Samothrace, northern Aegean
MELANIPPE THE WISE: book excerpt
The Cosmogony of Nyx (Night)
Hekate and the the Pergamon Table / Altar
Nemesis Interlude
Pinakes at the Pitsa Cave of the Nymphs near Corinth
Rich open access books on Greek and Aegean archaeology
Three triangular ritual tables of Hekate Amibousa, She Who Changes
Maenads strike back against rapist satyrs, and other good stuff
Misogynoir in Greek satyr vase-painting
Snake Women
Church sculptures of Luxuria, with snakes at her breasts
Kush: Ancient Sudan
May Webcast on Kush: Ancient Sudan
Nubian bling: Meroitic goldwork
Maat and other Kushan stela from Sedeinga necropolis
Slave trade as tribute and the fall of Kushan matrilineage
Napatan solar goddess mirror handle, Sudan
Look what I found! 11,000+ year Goddess continuity
Vulva Symbolism in Indus Seals
Tamil megaliths and a goddess offering vessel
The Goddess Ringstones of North India
Ringstones from North India
Nature goddesses of Bengal: Yakshi and Salabhaniyika
Salabhaniyikas in Buddhist art
Devī iconography in sculpture and terracotta plaques; Lajja Gauri, and Indus seals
The goddesses Korravai, Jyeṣhṭhā, and Gangā
Chausat Yogini: Temples of the 64 Yogini Goddesses
The Vedda of Sri Lanka and the kiriammas, "milk mothers"
Old Woman of the Forest: Chala Paccho, Jahira Buru, and more
Teachings on Poison and Nectar
Vedic Prayers to Water and Earth
Goddess of the Grove in Adivasi / Aboriginal India
Audio! on Devī and Shakta traditions
"Patriarchal Politics and the (Dis)Empowerment of Hindu Goddesses" by Saumitra Chakravarty
Audio: Shakti Religion as expressed in the Tripura Rahasya
Female iconography in predynastic Egypt
Iconography of the Invoking Woman
Female Icons of the Badarian Era
Tell el-Farkha ivories, Nile Delta
900 years of the Naqada culture
Early forms of Neith
Song of Isis in ancient Egyptian: video
Ancient Female Icons
They Are Not "Venus" Figurines
Woman Pots aka "female effigy vessels" in Iraq
Icons of the Matrix: illustrated article (pdf)
Woman pots in the Americas
African woman pots
Cucuteni and Thai ceremonial pots
Woman pots in Southwest Asia
Mother Goddess from the Negev
Breasted Guardians: Megalithic House of the Faeries, and more
Late Goddess archetypes in Iraq and Iran
Irish sheela-na-gigs
Nymph of the Healing Mineral Waters, Asia MInor
Cycladic Figurines: good video; screen caps
Takutsi Nakawé, Grandmother Growth
Uto-Aztecan language family
The Old Medicine Woman of the Guachichiles
Surprising Turns in Research Path: Baja to Ecuador
New Huastec statue found in Veracruz
Aztec women, birth and death in the Florentine Codex
Olmec Jade Woman
Anatolia / Asia Minor
female icons in house burial, Çatal Höyük
James Mellaart's forgeries and Çatal Höyük
Hittite wisewomen, priestesses, midwives
KhannaKhanna and the Bee
Hittite women in patriarchy
More Hittite Priestesses, and the NIN.DINGIR
New finds
Elf Dance at end of Jol in Iceland
The Lady of Tayinat
Italian prehistory video and site
Archaeology and Ancient Israelite Religion
Megalithic alignments in Armenia
Traditions of Brigid: Mary Condren
Scots poet eulogizes witch hunt victims
Kulning: Swedish women's cattle-calling songs
Hearts of Our People: Native Women Artists
Greek women as ceramic painters in Geometric Period? And matrilineal priestesses at Eleutherna, Crete...
Afrodiasporic women play banjo in Songs of Our Native Daughters
Women surfers in Hawai'i
Spanish chieftainess with silver diadem, 1650 bce
Roots in the Heart: A European Folk Magic Documentary
More on Tarantella, Trance Dance in Apulia, South Italy
Bulgarian duck vessel, circa 1500 bce
Artemis Emerges from the Soil in Turkey
Amazon at Aphaia Temple: Greek sculptures were painted
New find of Lajja Gauri in Karnataka
Human cultures of connection: video
Basque history, language, and genome studies
Silphium, ancient birth control herb of Cyrenaica, Libya
Tuareg women's amulets: Cross of Agadez
Papua's sacred forest for women only
Cabeça da Velha, Old Woman's Head, Portugal
Women Qawwali Singers: dynamic video
Tomb of Olympias, snake priestess of the Mysteries
Bone spoons for weaning neolithic babies, and implications
Tall Wooden Pagan Statue Found in Ireland
Early medieval Nyx / Night goddess
Muisca ofrendatorio with gold figurines and emeralds, Colombia
Solar observatory at Chankillo in Peru
"Book of Kells was created by nuns in Kildare"
Woman musician in ancient Napoli
The Sound of the Proto Indo European language
The Dukhobors and their naked protests in Canada
Stones of Externsteine, Teutoberg
Encoding meaning into fabric: "Weavers and Information webs"
Elizabeth Parker embroidered the abuse of servant women
The embroidered protests of Lorina Bulwer
Ashley's Sack, Embroidered in 1921, a legacy of an enslaved grandmother
Agnes Richter Embroidered Her Strait-Jacket in a mental prison
She embroidered with hair on executed rebel husband's bedsheet
Outstanding women
Antoinette Brown Blackwell, abolitionist and feminist trailblazer
Egyptian legend Om Kulthoum
The Lady of Lawers, Scottish prophetess
Bobi Céspedes, Lucumí priestess
First known female rabbi Osnat Barazani, Kurdistan
Poet-priestess Enheduanna as astronomer
Mekatilili wa Menza of the Giriama
Mary Talbert and Hester Jeffrey: African-American activists
Jovita Idar, Tejana journalist and activist
Virgina Hall Intrepid WWII Spy, with one leg
Nwanyeruwa and the Igbo Women's War
North Woman, a Cheyenne seeress, guides escape from reservation
María Taant, Shuar forest-defender and Boa chanter
Polish Lesbian Activist Eve Adams
Mother's Market: Manipuri bazaar run by women
Chinese women martial artists: history vs legend
The great Kathe Kollwitz
Anna Julia Cooper early intersectional feminist
Chicana artist Yolanda López reimagines la Guadalupana
Sonia Guajajara, Executive Coordinator of the Association of Brazil's Indigenous Peoples
Atossa, Achaemenid queen of Iran
Gertrude Beasley, Feminist Truthteller out of working class Texas, 1925
The unappreciated life of Jenny Marx
Adela Zamudio, Bolivian feminist firebrand
Lee Maracle Sto:loh writer, activist truth-teller, elder, now an ancestor
Cacicas: The Indigenous Women Leaders of Spanish America
Branca Edmée Marques, defiant scientist
Elza Rozenberga Pliekšāne, Latvian feminist writer and activist
Southern Africa
Rain Queens of the Lovedu
More on the Modjaji rain queens
Goddesses of Southwest Asia
Shaushka the Hurrian Goddess, aka Ishtar of Nineveh
'Ashtart among Canaanites and Hebrews
Arabian Goddesses
Goddess Temples in SW Asia
Phoenician Ashtart shrine and Egyptian influences
Elamite Goddess figurines
Lykian Mother of the Gods: fragment
Anahita, the investiture of Iranian kings, and the goddess Nanaia
Ancient Syrian figurines, goddesses, and seals
Old Goddess from Taymāʾ, NW Arabia
Aphrodite of Amathus, Cyprus
Cypriot shrines of 'Ashtart-Astarte-Aphrodite
Phoenician Ashtart in coins and images
Goddess coins in Syria and Asia Minor
Goddess coins of Carthage: Tanit, Dea Caelestis, the Celestial Goddess
Coins of Kybele, Mother of the Gods, Phrygian Magna Mater
Lion-headed goddess from Sarepta, Lebanon
Temple of Allat in Palmyra, Syria
Thalassa titanis of the Sea
the Raising of the Hand to Ishtar chant, in Babylonian
Women's Dance and Ceremony
Women's Dance: depictions in ceramic and rock art
Magical Birthing Belt in England
Cypriot ritual stand with women and lilies
Ghost Dance robes, and songs, on the Great Plains
"The Minoan Epiphany: A Bronze Age Visionary Culture"
Cretan treasures
Arctic throat singing, dance, drumming
Hajichi: the Banned Women's Tattoos of Okinawa
Slavic and Eurasian goddesses: short video
Bulgarian firewalkers ceremony
Mari women pray to trees, Eurasia
“The Decline of Female Professionals—and the Rise of the Witch” Iraq 2000-700 bce
Decline of Female Professionals—and the Rise of the Witch, II
Medicine Women, Shamans, Seers
Medicine Women Who Raise the Dead
The Doe Shaman of Nicaragua
Melissae, Bee Goddess, and Oracular Women
Shapeshifting Dancers of Crete
Wooden snake staff in neolithic Finland
Sand painting storytellers in Australia, and Songspirals
Sean Nós, "Old Style" Irish singing
Szeptucha,the "whisperer" healers of Poland
Modern reenvisoning of the Völur seeresses of Denmark
Dainyal oracles of the Hindu Kush
Incantation of the Syrian woman from Gadara, for every fever.
Thai women drummers from Wat Pho temple
Mohegan medicine woman and culture-keeper Gladys Tantaquidgeon
Emma Tyler Fielding Baker, Mohegan leader and medicine woman
The "Four Women Doctors" of Chinese History
Goddess in many forms
Gē, Mother Earth of Ancient Greece
Short Goddess vids
Goddess amulets from Daunia, Italy
Epic photos of Potnia Theron, Lady of the Animals
Labyrinths and Mazes
Free book: Labyrinths and Mazes
Sami goddesses Máttaráhkká, Beivve, and Elk Mother
More on Crete: women's ceremony, and Linear A, and...
Nepali naginis and the vulva sign
German movie about Frau Holle and the Maiden
"Divination: Mother Holle as Goddess of Seerdom" article
Interviews with Carol Christ, and link to Why Women Need the Goddess
Isis murals and shrines in Pompeii
Creatrix Litany video
Goddess Baetyls of SW Asia shown on coins
The Oracle: what 19th c. paintings show of the Delphic seeress and adyton
Aphrodite of Aphrodisias, western Anatolia in Hellenistic times
The "God Dolly" of Somerset
Spinster's Rock in Devon
Female figurine, Feather River, Norcal, and others from Califas
Dheǵhōm Prithvi Plataea Zemyna: IE words for Earth
Isis at Entrance to Underworld, with Meretseger, Lady of Silence
A Swedish Woman's Embroidered Appeal for Justice
Overview of Indo-European Migrations
Maya Marriage by Capture: modern paintings
Religious colonization of African Women
Victorian Paternalism and the Clitoridectomy Doctor of London
Against Teaching ‘Abductions’ [not rape] in Greek Art
Forced Sterilization of First Nations women in Canada
Hysteria and Patriarchal "Medicine"
Helen of Sparta (Troy) and Mycenaean patriarchy
Women, Rastafari and the New Society
Collette Guillaumin on "Sexage" and appropriation of women: audio
Origins and history of the word "brothel"
Supposed "Birth of Midwifery, 100 bce" — by a man, natch
Demonized Goddesses: Tabi'ah
Mechteld tem Han, the Witch of s'Heerenberg
Demonized Goddess in Romania
The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World
Snapshot of Femicide in the 19th century
Sumerian cuneiform character for "slave": woman + mountains
Flora Tristan, very early feminist, French-Peruvian
Pornifying media coverage of female icons
All Things Being Equal: review of Graeber and Wengrow
About Indigenous Knowledge
Natural Law and Interrelatedness
Shipibo kené paintings of eastern Peru
Wahkohtowin, Cree Natural Law
Birthing Trees in SE Australia
Ceremonial calendar of the Six Nations
All Nations Rise by Lyla June (Dineh and Cheyenne)
Engineering Feat along the Lower Mississippi, 1700 bce
"Bushman" teaching on connecting threads in Nature
Pegtymel petroglyphs and entheogenic mushroom ceremonies in NE Asia
Indigenous Placenames Recovered: Caribbean, Manhattan, Great Lakes
Mindimooyenh, Ojibwe female elder: “one who holds things together"
Turtle Woman's Offering to the River Plants
Coast Salish weavers and their wool dogs
Academic Citations that Include Indigenous Oral Teachings
Elem Pomo Roundhouse Ceremony, 1878, incredible painting
Matrilines: Survivals and Losses
Women in Comoros Islands, off Madagascar
Statue menhirs in South-Central France
Historical patriarchalization of a matrilineal society in Central Africa
Mohawk women leaders on Kahnistensera: Mother Law
Under the Husk: Mohawk Women's Initiation Ceremony
The "Skeena River Uprising": pretext for colonization. Plus women chiefs.
The Invisible Nation: Algonquins of Québec
Faerie Faith
Welsh folk-lore, fairy mythology, legends and traditions
Nuggets on Irish Faery Doctors
Fairy shoe of Beare, Ireland
Joan Wytte, the Fighting Fairy Woman of Bodmin
Dorothea Viehmann, German storyteller, 1755-1816
Deep History by Genome or Linguistic Evidence
DNA Evidence proving Indo-European Migration into India
Recent Genome Evidence on Cretans, Mycenaeans, and Steppe-Related Invasions
Proto-Indo-European etymologies
Revealing Ancestral Central America I: Lady of Curresté, Honduras
West Africa
Women in the Yoruba Religious Sphere, by Oyeronke Olajubu I: Sexual Politics in Society and Family
Oyeronke Olajubu Part II: Sexual Politics in Myth
Yoruba Queens Pupupu and Mọremí Àjàṣorò
Oracle Cards designed by Aminat Tukunbo Oladipo
New audio: Oyeronke Olajubu on Yoruba women in religion and society
Slovakia: wild call in the mountains
Fatoumata Diawara from Mali
Sagrado Femenino, from Loli Cosmica, Andean anthem
Canto Ancestral • KHALI • Alexia Evellyn
Song For The Sacred Elements - Chenoa Egawa & Alex Turtle
Scottish wildness: waulking songs, puirt a beul
Culture-keeper musician Joanne Shenandoah, Oneida Nation
The prophetic bee maidens above Delphi
Michal Elia Kamal, Iranian Jewish ecstatic singer and drummer
DISCUSSION: looking for your thoughts and questions here!
Inviting your participation
Questions about Egyptian goddesses
Human cultures of connection: video
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