They Are Not "Venus" Figurines

They are not "Venus" figurines

I've just reconfigured this article on the Suppressed Histories website, since FB has hidden the Notes section where I posted it last year. There was a huge response to it, which is still reverberating (someone just tagged me on a post about it), so I thought I'd better make it permanently available. It addresses patriarchal distortions in how these global femae icons are interpreted in mainstream media and academia.

I created this poster 13 years ago to illustrate how utterly international the ancient female icons are, even if most go unpublicized. Those shown here are from Italy, Sudan, Egypt, Russia, Ecuador, Siberia, France, Morocco, Alaska, Japan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Bulgaria, Mexico, China, Zimbabwe, Manchuria, Iraq, Iran, Peru, Turkey, Brazil, Utah, Hungary, Chad, India, Greenland, Mexico, Honduras, Argentina, Britain, Israel, Chile, Ecuador, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Illinois, Kurdistan, Sulawesi, Louisiana, Brazil, Kenya, and Sudan. More info

The study of this iconography is far larger than this question of modern / Euro-patriarchal interpretative bias and minimization, or even the Venus terminology. We'll go into the real substance from various angles of view, starting with the Predynastic Egyptian expressions covered in the Feb. livecast.

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