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Matricultural Eyes
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Matricultures and How Patriarchy Developed
Ancient Saharan Women
Women Warriors: March recording
Ancient Syria: April zoom recording
May recording links: Egypt in Late Antiquity
June discussion: The Witches Goddess
July discussion: Siddhe / Moundfolk / Faery names
August discussion: Andra Mari, Basque great goddess
Sept visual talk: Grandmother Stones of Megalithic Europe
Oct visual talk: The Distaff Side: Spinning Women's Power
Nov visual talk: Ancient Anatolia
Recording: Canaanite and Hebrew Goddesses
Mythohistory and Sexual Politics in Ancient Greece
Goddess Iconography in Archaic Greece
Old Woman Masks in Spartan Sanctuary of Orthia
The Pythias: book excerpt
The Serpent Pillar of Delphi
Hera before Zeus: Archaic Temples and Icons
Nike: Victory and patriarchal warfare; incense burners
Athena of the Snakes
“Wherever she was worshipped she had Mysteries”
Rhea, Great Mother of the Olympians
Open Access Women's Studies books; one on Greek witch trials
Double Goddess Temple Entrance, Prinias, Crete
Praxilla of Sikyon, feminist poet?
Sacred knot in Crete and Egypt; Cretan women's clothing
Barbarai: Othered women of Lydia, Crete, Malta, Libya, and Lemnos
Greco-Egyptian lesbian love spell papyrus
Misogynoir in ancient Greek vase-painting
Books are coming! titles and covers
Amazon relief at Bassae, Arkadia; and another about rape
Late Geometric snake amphora with women mourners
Pausanias on Sibyls and the Delphic Oracles
Hearth stone carved with swirling patterns, Corinth
Medea: Goddess, then priestess, then witch
Kainis becomes Kaineos: transman in Greek sexual politics
The Okeanid Khariklo; messenger Iris in butch mode; Melanippe the Wise
Saint Kalé, pagan figure in modern Greek folk tradition
Greek lamentation and the moirologia
Ceremony, Regalia and Symbols
Elem Pomo Roundhouse Dance, Clear Lake, California
Bead necklace capes of women in Arizona, Baja, and Nevada
Turkic women's festival and traditional dress, Eurasia and Central Asia
Ritual cloths in northern Sumatra
Women's Sodality at Skidegate, Haida Gwaii
Tlingkit Regalia
Irish women of Galway
Silver medallions in Eastern North America
Bling of Lydian queen of Aiges, married into Macedonia
Temple of the Waters in Hellenistic Asia Minor
Ainu dancers
Cycladic spiral-womb terracottas
Pasifika / Oceania
"Marks of Mana: Malu, Samoan women's tatau
Moko Kauae: video of Māori women's tattoo ceremony
Tep Tok in Papua New Guinea: Marks of Mana 3
Marks of Mana Pt5. Evolution of Tatau
Ngahuia-Te-Awekotuku Māori scholar, lesbian feminist
The concept of Kīpuka: cultural reservoirs in Hawai'i
Māori rock art: the taniwha
New Finds / Things on my radar
Petroglyphs along Ohio River, West Virginia
Amber Bear Mother, Mammoth Ivory Bison
"Magnificent Vindication" of Gimbutas: video panel not as promised
Great Mother in Tennessee Cave Painting?
New find of neolithic stone drum in Yorkshire
Bronze goddess from Tollense River, Germany
Sylvia Drake and Charity Bryant, Vermont lesbian union 1807-1851
She embroidered with hair on executed rebel husband's bedsheet
Tripillye temple excavated at Nebelivka, Ukraine
Ancient Syrian spindle whorls and a figurine
From Opium to Saffron: Psychoactive Drugs in Ancient World
Ama freedivers of Japan, 1950s photos
Digital Feminist Magazines of 60s and 70s, open access
Greek and Egyptian Magical Formularies: Text and Translation
Archaic Cypriot cultural fusion
Aztec figurines in post-conquest child burials
Eva Frank: a Jewish (sort of) female Messiah
New petroglyph stone finds at Lough Gur, Ireland
Extremely ancient mounds identified in Louisiana!
Bees, the goddess Neith and Egyptian tradition
Love Between Women by Bernadette Brooten: full pdf
Silver Aphrodite medallion from priestess burial in NE Black Sea
Kyrgyz women foot-archers!
Mycenaean woman archer; archaeology of Pylos
Exhibition on Enheduanna, first named writer in history
Karimeh Abboud, early Palestianian photographer
Ding Ling, intrepid feminist of the Chinese Revolution
New finds of Nazca Lines, southern Peru
Sumerian word for woman, cuneiform evolution
Ways of Lenape / Delaware Women
Ancestors: Ancient Native American Sculptures of Tennessee
Insights from "Matriculturality and the Algonquian Language Family"
The Warao of Guyana
Interview: Matricultures and the Matrix of Life
Ancestral Mother clay house relief, Nigeria
Seven Sisters Dreamings and Songlines, Australia
Bouar Megaliths of Central African Republic and other places
First Woman Statue with Snakes, Admiralty Islands
Jomon figurines, ancient Japan
Tamil standing birth on 8th c temple; and more
Matrilocality among early Pacific Islanders
Mater Larum, Mother of ancestral beings, Rome
Rematriating Lisjan (Ohlone Country, Oakland to Vallejo CA)
mtDNA Proves Matriline at Pueblo Bonito, New Mexico
Female ancestors in Bamileke patrilineages, Cameroon
Panki, wooden icons of the Russian North
Russian paleolithic figurines
Nagovisi women of south Boganvil (Bougainville Island) near Papua New Guinea
Gitksan women of the Skeena River, matrilineal W. Canada
Bit on "woman-rule" in ancient Croatia
Matricultures and the politics of kindreds
Thoughts on kinship and matrilineage
Lakota perspective on matriarchy
Goddesses / Spirits / Ancestors
Xulsigia, Gaulish water goddess
Earth Goddess Warns O∂inn, on his knees (4:55)
Goddesses of Ireland: Nollaig na mBan
Women in really old petroglyphs, Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt
Desert shrine 7000 bce in eastern Jordan
Calling Berehinia, Ukrainian goddess
Aspects of Neith, creator goddess of Egypt
Goddess and Nature in Queens' tombs at Nimrud, Iraq
Berehynia and Trees of Life in folk art
Celestial Weaving Maiden and Vega asterism in Chinese cosmology
Isis of the Snakes
Urania, Muse of Star Knowledge
Goddess sculpture from Khan Yunus in Gaza, 4500 years ago
Stone female icon of Thiaroye, Senegal
Kybele and the Santoni of Akrai, Sicily
Paleolithic Gran'mère de Renancourt
Aretalogy of Isis from Kyme, Asia Minor
The obscure goddess Adamma, in Syria
Samovila: "what is free shall not be captured"
Very ancient Asherah pillar at Eilat, 4540 bce
Multiple Madonnas, plural Greek goddesses
Goddess of the Night in Kizzuwatna
Review of "Asherah: Everyone’s Favorite Girl"
Nutrices of Slovenia
Religion of pre-Islamic Arabia, new book
Fragment on Isis and sistrum in Plutarch's Moralia
Water sanctuary of Anahita found in Iraqi Kurdistan
Sarmatian goddess on Crimean gold bowl and headdresses
Matar Kubileye and her Phrygian rock-cut shrines
The Fates of the Madrid Puteal (a carved well-head)
"Mother Goddesses at the Ancient Black Sea"
Cypriot Goddesses
Umay, Turkic and Mongolian Goddess
Lion-throned Isis in Phoenicia: scarabs and temple thrones
Squannit / Granny Squant: Wampanoag, Mohegan, Pequot
Interview with Miriam Dexter; her book Whence the Goddesses
Yemenite Goddess amulet and altars
Ancient Sumerian figurines
Nerthus > Njörðr, Earth goddess masculinized
Late: flying witches for Samhain!
Neolithic Anatolian and Syrian figurines
Anat and Qudshu as the «Mistress Of Animals»
More Arabian and Nabataean Goddesses and Archaeological Finds
Nabataean Goddess, continued
Canaanite goddesses and temple artifacts of Megiddo
Eternal fire in an Illyrian Nymphaion
Spiritual Leaders and Wisewomen
Nūru priestesses of Okinawa
Yaminawa Women: access to spiritual ceremonies
The Historian as Curandera (Healer) by Aurora Levins Morales
Healing Mother Earth Ceremony Feb 2022
The Many Names of Philippine Shamans & Healers
My interview on Witches and Pagans at Earth Keepers
Ecuadorian shapeshifter
Carthaginian Priestess, Tunisia; Iberian and Cypriot analogs
Priestess or shaman burial of Tagar culture, southern Siberia
Twa Women's Weather Divination in Zambia
Woman Shaman and Women's Power dvd transcripts
Iyaláwo and Ìyánífá: female spiritual leaders in Yoruba tradition
Women's Herbs, Knots and Ritual: Priestly Represssion of Contraception and Abortion
Caoineadh, keening for the dead, in Ireland.
Birth scene on a Pompeii ivory; words for midwife
Mama Irene, healer in Peruvian Altiplano
Siberian shaman shames Soviet persecutors: must read
Las Beatas: Spanish mystic seers, and Inquisitorial persecutions
Fire-walking priestesses of Cappadocia, Anatolia
North Woman, seeress of the Northern Cheyenne
Passing the Broom / Passando la Scopa
Yo’åmte: medicine women of Guam
Women Weaving the World (Finnish perspective)
Two Tantrik yoginis, Mughal period
Bird-völva on Manx runestone
Emma Dupree, Carolina herbalist / granny woman
Tayal women tattooists, indigenous Taiwan
Outstanding Women
Chief Mrs. Adaobi White, the Ada Ogele of Ndoni, declares women's revolution (5:29)
Cree medicine woman Fire Woman honored for treating wounded warriors on battlefield
Activist painter Caroline Weldon supporter of Lakota sovereignty
Hypatía of Alexandria (and media stereotypes)
African American women resist slavery
M'Balia Camara, Guinean independence activist
Katélá Wiŋyaŋ Okolakičiyé: Lakota Woman’s Warrior Society
Gifts of the Land video of Robin Wall Kimmerer
Ākenehi Tōmoana Māori activist for women's rights
Lesbians in History, interview from 2008
Lucy Maynard Salmon's fight for women historians
Laura Smith Haviland, woman warrior against slavery and patriarchy
Black washerwomen's strikes in the late 1800s
Trailbreaking lesbian photographer Alice Austen
Ding Ling, feminist in the Chinese Revolution
The Very Lonely Path of a Roma Woman in Poland
Founders of the Irish Women Workers Union, 1914
The word "scientist" was invented for Mary Somerville
Henrietta Wood sued man who re-enslaved her, and won
Enslaved women take over Charleston markets
Josephine Baker, anti-fascist spy
Simona Kossak, animal lover in Polish forest
Rogue River Mary, young Native leader in Oregon
Shōen Uemura, breakthrough Japanese painter
Michelle Browder reclaims the Mothers of Gynecology
Lashin, Circassian woman warrior / marriage resister
Maria Isabel de Braganza, founder of El Prado Museum, and how she died
Photo database of Saharan rock art; periodization
More Saharan Art
Maimuna Darari, cave goddess, wards off invading king
Diola women of Senegal: independence and maternalism
Rock art of Mfangano Island, Lake Nyasa (Victoria), Kenya
Symbolic reliefs in Asante houses (fihankra)
The N'nomiton (aka Amazons) of Dahomey
Women chiefs of Sierra Leone
Wunkirmian, ritual spoons of Dan women, Cote d'Ivoire
Nefertiti's tomb: possibly behind Tut's
The Woman King Syllabus, from #slaveryarchive
Women in the Zar Religion of Northeast Africa
Igbo snake symbolism / Mami Wata, Nigeria
Hairy Mary: Mary of Egypt, Magdalene, and the Wild Woman
Venting about scholars euphemizing rape
Witch Hunts in Catalunya (NE Spain)
Patriarchies videos
Colonizing Srinmo, Earth Mother of Tibet
R.A. Kartini fought for Javanese women's rights and education
Palace Women's Revolt of 1542, Ming dynasty
Patriarchal Religion webcast Mar 2022
Female sacrifice for victory in war in the Book of Judges
On the Myth of Sacred Prostitution
The male-dominated Church as She
Cross-dressing woman among men in patriarchal neolithic burial
Modern images of the Erinyes (Furies)
Matthew Hale: far-reaching law of immunity for husbands who rape
Paiute witch hunt in SE California,1922
Paiute killed Shoshone medicine woman as "witch" in Nevada
Preventing rape of dead women in ancient Egypt
Agnes Bernauer, drowned for "witchcraft" in 1435
Maria Renata Singer von Mossau, burned for "witchcraft" in 1749
Native Resistance to U.S. Religious Repression
Briseis, captive of war, being taken to Agamemnon
"Unveiling Biblical Women with Accurate Translations of the Hebrew Feminine"
Dogon togu'na (men's council houses), Mali
Oppression of the Female Sex: a thread
DNA shows patrilocality in Bronze Age Central Europe
Polygyny and Patriarchy
Colonial seizures of cultural treasures
Concept of Paternity in Indo-European cultures
Patriarchal laws of conquest
What is Critical Race Theory?
Muslim discourse about patriarchy in shari'a law
Patriarchal language and proverb in Kashgar, Central Asia
Female Factory system in colonial Tasmania
Nü Shu, secret women's script in Hunan: new film
Ursula Niebuhr, whose work was eclipsed by that of her husband
Audio commentaries
Elizabeth Barber on Weavers part I
Elizabeth Barber II: Mesopotamian weavers and women's work
Barber Part III: Anatolia, Greece, eastern Mediterranean
Women and Words: some great 70s feminist analysis
Women and Words part II
Women and Words part III
Deep History
Re-imagining Mother Nature: Interview with feminist primatologist Sarah Blaffer Hrdy
Framing the disappearance of native women in Orkney
Etruscan genome and language
Yamnaya invasions in Ponto-Caspian region by DNA
Most ancient Taiwan people were small and black & the larger picture
Denisovan DNA found in South America
Thought-policing Archaeology: Case of the Beaker People
Longhouse Peoples
Sape grass thatched longhouses near Manaus, Amazonas
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New find of neolithic stone drum in Yorkshire
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