About this video series
What you'll see here is the most up-to-date version of a visual talk I've given many times, beginning in 1974. This recording, titled Witches and Pagans: Down to the Roots, was presented in webcasts for my earlier courses, and at conferences around the US and in Britain, the Netherlands, Italy, and Australia.
These videos are visual supplements to material in my book Witches and Pagans: Women in European Folk Religion, 700-1100 (Veleda Press, 2016). I began writing it in 1978 and over the years it grew into a multi-volume series, Secret History of the Witches. What was once a chapter, Witches and Pagans, became Vol VII in that series. These videos also include material from unpublished volumes before and after this one.
The book is illustrated, in monochrome. Here you can see the images in color, along with many more than could fit in the book. This visual history is a different angle of view, that allows direct tasting of what has survived in the cultural record. It breaks out patterns in a different way and includes material from earlier and later periods than the book covers.
Included after the seven-video series are excerpts from Witches and Pagans (I've made Chapter 3, "Names of the Witch," open access.
There is also a section with links to excerpts from other volumes in the series.