Overview of subjects in 2024
This course offers a series of photo essays, book excerpts, links to articles and videos that come up in my ongoing research, and live visual webcasts with discussion.
Course material in 2024 covers many topics, including:
Weaving, Spirals, and Time in Mexican Philosophies
Matricultures (this year I'll be sharing from my unprocessed files)
Patriarchy: how it is structured and enforced
Lithuanian witch hunts
Matrilineage and patriarchy in Zambia
Saunkskwa: Algonquin female chieftains from Massachusetts to Virginia
Native history of Illinois
Mexican goddesses in the Yohualli Ehecatl ("Borgia Codex")
Harimtu / Kar.kid as single woman, not prostitute
This is only a preliminary preview!
And! book excerpts:
I'll be sharing advance excerpts (and illustrations) from my next book, Women's Power in Greek Patriarchy: Priestesses, Amazons and Witches, which I'll be finalizing in 2024. Table of Contents:
1. Patriarkhia
2. Priestesses
3. Barbarai: Foreign Others
4. Amazones Antianeirai
5. Maenads, Dionysiacs, and Orphics
6. Women Over the Line: Philosophers, Poets, bold women
7. Pharmakides: Healers and Witches
I will also be posting excerpts from Magna Mater, A New Religion, and the Imperial Church, which is Vol V in the series Secret History of the Witches. We'll look at how Christianity developed into a patriarchal authoritarian state religion of the Roman Empire. This prehistory of coercive fundamentalism relates to what is happening in many countries. You can view the Contents at https://veleda.net/vol5/
Get a taste of what course content is like from these public access pages:
From Kemet Before the Pharaohs: Female icons of the Badarian era, pre-4000 bce
From Witches and Pagans, Video episode 6: The Witches Goddess
From Rebel Shamans: Afro-Brazilian calundureiras in the 1700s
From Healers, Curanderas, and Medicine Women: Woman Shaman: the Ancients (excerpt)
Other preview pages can be seen in other course curriculum listings.