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Rematria / Dismantling Patriarchy
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Matrilineal/matrilocal cultures: overview
Matricultures VIDEO 1: Introduction (8:05)
Matricultures VIDEO 2: Africa (18:54)
Matricultures VIDEO 3: SE Asia, Indonesia, Pacific (18:08)
Matricultures VIDEO 4: India, North America (24:23)
Matrilineage, matrilocality, constellation of factors
Tracking Down Matricultures: where to look?
Female Founders, Culture-Makers, First Women
Longhouse Matrilines of Vietnam
The Matrilineal Country of Laos; the Matriarchal Co-Ho
Eastern Indonesia (20:06)
The Bonobo Sisterhood
The Goba / Tonga of the Zambezi River, Zimbabwe
The Bemba people of Zambia
Bissago Islanders off Guinée-Bissau
Large egalitarian towns of the Tripilliye culture, Ukraine
Indigenous Names for Matriarchy
BaYaka and Agta foragers are gender egalitarian
Mother Law of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois Nations)
Mixtures: Matricultures with Patriarchal Elements
The Etruscans
The Kushans (ancient Sudan)
Stories of Women's Overthrow
Female Chieftains and Founding Queens in Zambia
Patriarchal socialization in Nkoya womanhood ceremonies
Chewa Girls' Initiation: socializing into wifehood
Pedagogies of Subservience? Imbusa among the Bemba [Women's Initiations]
The effects of slave-raiding on Zambia and Malawi
Patriarchalization in North America
Champa, matrilineal people of Vietnam
Islamization in patriarchalizing Minangkabau
Shift to Patrilineage in Korea
Ancient Sahara: women in rock art
Matrllineage in in medieval Christian Nubia (yes really) and queens
Women's Tatau tradition in Samoa
Indigenous Taiwan Critical of Chinese Patriarchy
Treasures from Archaeology and Rock Art
Priestess with the Amazon and Griffin crown
The Sacred Mirror; more Sarmatian women's crowns
Ancient Crete: new images
"Mythic Women" article on Rock Art in Southern Africa
Goddesses of Petra, Jordan
Lifegiver statues, Costa Rica
Thracian goddess with animals
Unusual circular hill sanctuary found in Crete
Uli paintings of Igbo women, SE Nigeria
Diviners, Healers, Wisewomen and Ceremony
Blessing and Healing Ceremonies in North America
Erasing and rediscovering the woman from Dolní Vestonice
African Priestesses and Oracular Women
Rain shrine oracles of Malawi
Nehanda Nyakasikana, lion oracle of Zimbabwe
Mekatilili, rebel prophetess of the Giriama, Kenya—and Mepoho
"Like Stars in the Day": female arhats in Tibet
Irish stone sweathouses and healing
Tadjik women's ceremonies
Women leaders / priestesses of late neolithic Spain
Jewish priestesses in Roman world
Pitseolak Ashoona, Inuit Art as Cultural Commentary
Babylonian wisewomen and their demonization
The Teraphim ("household god/desses"), Rachel, and other traditions
Tree Reverence in Slavic Cultures
Priestess Queen of Pañamarca, Peru
Patriarchal Structures
Patriarchies: Systems of Domination (videos)
Punishing women who defy sexual double standard
Getting women to buy in to patriarchal systems
Spatial Subordination of Women
The Father Who Killed All His Daughters
Men ritually flog Hamar women in male initiation ceremonies
Forced polyandry in female-infanticide regions of India
Iranian patriarchy
Enslaving Female Captives in War
Ancient history of the Mande peoples and their medieval empires
Patriarchy and Empire in Mande Orature, Mali
Mandé sexual politics: "mother-childness," "father-childness"
Women as Diplomatic pawns in the late bronze age
Female Genital Excision in Indonesia
Sheela-na-gigs and Irish family structure
Definition of Patriarchy
Goddess, Spirits, Ancestors
Old Woman Mountains, Mohave Desert
Cailleach: The Goddess in the Landscape
More on the Cailleach
Nine Dragons Guan Yin / Nine Peaks Jiu Tian Xüan Nü
Ceremonies of Đạo Mẫu "Way of the Mother," Vietnam
The Old Woman with One Eye, Malawi
Yeogeungok: Korean Vulva Valley, and Three-Spirit Grandmother of Birth
Ceremonies of Incarnating Spirits and Deities
Zar religion in a Sudan village
Ham Pilu, Conception "doll" of the Fali people, Cameroon
Nguni goddesses Nomkhubulwane and Inkosazana
Seeking the Chalice: Goddesses in the Matter of Britain
Diwiya and other Indo-European words for "goddess"
Goddess Seals of Marhashi / SE Iran
Anahid, great goddess of Iran
Murkum, Mother Goddess of the Haramosh Valley, Northern Pakistan
Magna Mater / Isis of 10,000 Names: the Great Goddess Under Roman Rule
The Meanings of Goddess (2006 article, updated)
Latin Temple of Minerva at Lavinium
Last Florescence of Goddesses in Southwest Asia
Stone Woman found in Costa Rica
Goddess at Mamre in late Judaea
Female Icons of Beit Nattif
Ashtart in Lebanon, and winged sphinx thrones of Goddess
Tlachtga and Mongfind in Irish lore
Amay Yay Yin, witchy snake Yat of Burma
Women Speak on Patriarchy
Voltairine de Cleyre, feminist anarchist from Indiana
Scotswoman on the Sexual Double Standard; Women Won't Wheesht
Women's eye view of war: the Bayeux Tapestry
Chicana and Cholita feminism
Mary Daly on Being and "Sin"
"What You Wish You Knew," from survivors of sex trafficking
Quotable Feminists
Nawal el-Saadawi
Ruth Orta, Ohlone oral history near San José, California
Catholic women press for ordination
Māori woman leads haka protest in NZ Parliament
Bolivian feminismo comunitario
Motherhouse Series: Indigenous Mother Law and Land Justice
1: Mother Law: A Call to Prophetic Action
2: What We’re Up Against: Dehumanization & the Doctrine of Discovery
3: The Doctrine at Work in Relationship to Land
4: Origins of European Patriarchy & Loss of the Motherline
5: A Lineage of Holy Resistance: Revolutionary Christian Women Across Time
6: Mother Mary and Re-Mothering the World
7: Complicit No More — Moving Into Right Action
Magna Mater, Paulianity, and the Imperial Church: readings and zoom
Intro on Church-State Authoritarianism
The Imperial Church (29:26)
The coloni: how small farmers were turned to serfs
War Against Pagans (20:22)
Cultural Repression and Resistance
New: Queen Shlomtzion and the Pharisees
Chapter 2 Readings on Judaea
Intro to readings
Judaea Captured and Rav Yeshua
Yeshua the Healer—and Exorcist
Witchcraft in Jewish Tradition
The Judaic Wisdom Tradition
The Therapeutae
Judaean Women
The Female Icons of Beit Nattif: text
Female Icons of Beit Nattif: photo essay (prev publ on Rematria
Witchen Herbal Lore
Intro to Wiccen Herbal Lore
Gaelic Names of Plants (1883) pdf download
Women's Honoring Song
Fari to speak Fata Fates and other related words, incl prophecy
Bad Ass Women
Big Rachel Hamilton of Glasgow
Makeda, Queen of Sheba
Tlachtga and Mongfind in Irish lore
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