What you'll learn in this course
Rock art and archaeology show recurrent patterns in painted pots, female figurines, megalithic statues. This video looks at the iconography of ancestral women, breastpots, vulva stones, and other sacred signs.
Medicine women, shamans, healers, mashkiki-kwe, izangoma.
Women as culture-makers; weavers, potters; painted ceramics and mother pots.
Images of birth, womanhood initiations and ceremonial dance, in ancient art from Turkey, Iraq, Pakistan, Greece, Italy, and Hopi and Mandan country.
Invoking women in rock art from Niger, Baja California, Arabia, Namibia, and Zimbabwe; and in artifacts from predynastic Egypt, the Aegean, and China.
And the iconography of breasts in fountains from Java and Bali, molded and painted reliefs from Germany and Sudan, carved doors from Timor, Nok ceramics in Nigeria, and the golden breastplates of Colombia, Panama, Trandanubia and Maluku.
For more visual resources, including many of those in this show, see this series of the Grandmother Stones, wooden ancestor icons, and Mother Drums, in 11 x 8.5 inch prints.