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View the video Magna Mater / Isis of 10,000 Names (2015)
Max Dashu talks about hybridization of many Goddess cultures under the Roman empire: the spread of Isis veneration, of the Magna Mater as Kybele, Atargartis, Artemis Ephesia (and later Black Diana), Dea Caelestis, Fortuna, the Matronae / Matres, Rosmerta, Sirona, Epona, Tanit, al-Uzza, and Tyche. How Isis Lactans became a template for icons of the Madonna. And much more, from her 2014 online course. See the Suppressed Histories website for current course offerings.
This is not a show about the long Kemetic history of Auset, which is a whole presentation unto itself, but about her impact in a particular period, when her veneration spread over much of the Mediterranean, into Europe and Asia. And about Goddess from other cultures who did the same.